The ARA at VIV Asia 2025: Showcasing Australian Animal Proteins
The Australian Renderers Association (ARA) is set to make a strong impact at VIV Asia 2025, taking place from 12-14 March in Bangkok, Thailand. As one of the largest international trade shows for the animal feed industry, VIV Asia provides a key opportunity for ARA to promote Australian-rendered products to a global audience.
Promoting Australian Animal Proteins
ARA will be hosting two nutrition seminars to highlight the benefits of Australian animal proteins. These sessions, funded by the Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) Program grant, support export market diversification in Asia.
Attendees can gain insights from:
- Dr Anna Sutton on the role of Australian animal proteins in pet food formulation.
- Associate Professor Leo Nankervis on their importance in aquafeeds.
- ARA President Peter Milzewski on the industry’s commitment to high-quality and sustainable rendered animal proteins.
Connect with ARA at the Trade Booth
ARA will also host a trade booth to showcase its Members’ expertise and offerings. Members are encouraged to use this space for networking and engaging with current and potential customers.
VIV Asia 2025 is an excellent opportunity for industry professionals to connect with the Australian rendering sector and explore the benefits of sustainable animal proteins. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dr Anna Sutton
Anna Sutton, PhD, is a registered animal nutritionist with over 18 years of expertise in pet food formulation, market insights, and sustainable ingredient development. As the founder of Sustainable Pet Food Ingredients and Sustainable Pet Nutrition, she specialises in creating targeted, functional solutions for pet health, particularly within the Asia-Pacific market. Dr. Sutton has spearheaded the development of various pet food products, including freeze-dried and retorted formulations, supplements, and treats, with a focus on nutritional integrity and sustainability. With a background in nutrient transport and cell physiology, she has a special interest in gut health, functional fibers, and alternative proteins. Her work supports pet food brands in meeting the evolving demand for high-quality, sustainable nutrition. This presentation will explore current trends in the pet food industry, with a focus on the innovative use of rendered meals as a sustainable protein source, aligning with the growing demand for nutrient-dense, ethically sourced ingredients.
Affiliation: Sustainable Pet Nutrition
Associate Professor Leo Nankervis
Associate Professor Leo Nankervis is globally recognised for his work in aquatic animal nutrition research and commercial practice. With a career spanning research, development, product implementation and management, formulation, sustainability and quality, A/Prof Nankervis has an in-depth understanding of the aquafeed research and production supply chain. His research has been implemented across the aquaculture industry in Europe, Australia, North and South America and Asia, demonstrating a strong commitment to the research-industry value chain. A/Prof Nankervis has developed the value proposition of raw materials in aquafeed and has a particular interest in the trade-offs between ingredient nutritional profiles, marketing and production-related constraints.