Australia leads the world in hygienic rendering practices
The rendering process is designed to eliminate any potential hazards, such as bacteria and pathogens, to produce consistent, high-quality ingredients that meet the needs of the pet food and livestock market.
Hygienic rendering is recognised worldwide as the highest standard in ensuring the production of safe, high-quality products.

Leading industry standards: Australia leads the world in hygienic rendering practices and has developed and implemented the Australian Standard for Hygienic Rendering of Animal Products, AS5008, with the support of the ARA.
Safety: The Australian Standard uses HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) protocols to establish and maintain hygienic rendering practices.
Consistent, high-quality ingredients: The hygienic rendering process is designed to meet the needs of the livestock and pet food market. By adhering to strict standards and protocols, we ensure that our products are of the highest quality.
Negligible risk of BSE: Australia has been categorised as having a “negligible” risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and no cases of BSE have been identified in the country to date.

ARA Accreditation Workshop on Hygienic Production of Rendered Animal Products
The Accreditation Workshop has provided valuable training to over a thousand individuals in the past twenty-eight years. Located at The University of Queensland in Gatton, the workshop offers an excellent opportunity to prepare your staff to meet the requirements outlined in the 2nd edition of the Australian Standard for the Hygienic Rendering of Animal Products.
The central focus of the workshop is to emphasize the significance of quality assurance in preventing contamination of rendered products. Topics covered include unit operations in rendering as well as hygiene issues.
The program also offers practical demonstrations of methods of transfer of microorganisms and a visit to a rendering plant.
Upon successful completion, participants are awarded a Certificate of Competency from AUS-MEAT Limited and the Australian Renderers Association.
The major topics of the workshop are:
- Growth and survival characteristics of microorganisms relevant to rendering.
- HACCP-based quality assurance protocols for rendering.
- ARA Code of Practice and the revised Australian Standard for Rendering.
- Domestic and international requirements for the production of rendered products.
- Heat transfer within rendering systems.
- Operation of presses and centrifuges.
- Tallow and meat meal specifications.
- Reduction of foreign objects in raw materials.