The Australian Renderers Association (ARA) held the second In-Market Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia, as part of the Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) Program. Recently, in November 2023, the first round of audits was completed by DHGLAS officials with the view to reopening the trade of Australian-rendered products to Indonesia. The ATMAC program funded the forum and intended to rebuild relationships and drive market growth.
The forum lasted three days, February 26-28, and focused on the use and benefits of Australian-rendered meat meals in poultry diets. It was well attended by local feed millers, importers, nutritionists, and industry stakeholders. Desianto Budi Utomo, President of the Indonesian Feedmills Association (GPMT), and Dr Enen Rina Rosadi Manggung, the lead auditor for the recent first round of plant audits held in November, were also present.
Attendees were welcomed by ARA President Peter Milzewski and heard presentations from:
- Dr Nuryani, Director General of Livestock Services and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS) – DGLAHS’ role in the animal feed industry
- Dean Merrilees, Minister Counsellor at the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Australian Embassy Indonesia – Role of the Australian Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry on rendered products.
- Tim Juzefowicz, ARA Executive Officer – The Australian Rendering Industry and role with the Australian government regulators, compliance, and market issues.
This was followed by an animal nutrition workshop facilitated by animal feed consultant Professor Robert Swick, on the role of Australian meat and bone meal in poultry feeds. We were also pleased to have former ARA Executive Officer Dennis King attend as our Export Market Liaison Coordinator, who facilitated an open discussion session to end the first day.
Invaluable market & trade insights were gained throughout the forum, with active discussions and knowledge sharing between DHGLAS, DAFF, feed millers, traders, and producers.